
Panoramic Views and Landscape Mosaics of Titan
stitched from Huygens Raw Images

last update: August 20, 2006
"Descent to Titan" Video in a new version

On January 14, 2005, the European Space Agency's Huygens Probe parachuted through the Atmosphere of Saturn's Moon Titan, and even landed softly on a plain on its surface. A flood of scientific data was transmitted via the NASA's Cassini Orbiter to Earth, the most interesting ones being images of the landscape, that were obtained by the slowly spinning probe on its way through the hazy atmosphere of Titan. With the decision to make the raw data available to the public, the ESA made it possible for everyone with deeper interest to contribute to this historic space mission.
I personally concentrated on assembling the individual frames into Panoramic Views and Mosaic Images of the surface of Titan, so they become part of a larger context. The work was carried out in my rare leisure time, because of enthusiasm for this mission.

Video: Descend to Titan

Video: Descent to Titan, Version 2
An Animation of Huygens's view during its descent to the surface of Titan.
The Video contains rendered scenes of the landscape on Titan and the space probe as well as original images from Huygens.
This is a shortened, compressed version; the original animation was rendered in DVD quality.
MPEG-4 V2 compression *.avi - file, 8.2 MB
Descent to Titan, Version 1   ( 2.6 MB )

rendered views of Titan

Rendered Views of Titan
My mosaic of the Huygens landing area on Titan, a POV-Ray model of Huygens as well as a simulated atmosphere is the basis for these images created with
The pictures shown here should be the most interesting for all visitors of my site who are not so intensively involved, or interested in the image-processing and mosaic-creating process of the Huygens mission.

December 16, 2005
Identifying Huygens landing site
The position of Huygens landing site as well as the correlation between the Huygens mosaic and the Cassini imagery is finally clear.
(+ links to my earlier attempts to figure out this correlation)

September 17, 2005
Titan Large Surface Coverage Mosaic: The Final Version
The Mosaic of the Huygens landing area on Titan in its fourth and final version.

The former versions:
Version III  May 10, 2005
Version II  
April 13, 2005
Version I    February 12, 2005

November 6, 2005
A Model for Hyperion
A little bit off-topic:
An attempt to explain the unique dark crater bottoms of Hyperion

May 7, 2005
Huge Surface Coverage Mosaic
The "Large Surface Coverage Mosaic" combined with "Huygens Distant View" results in a Mosaic with the largest coverage of Titan's surface that should be possible with Huygens images.

March 2, 2005
Huygens Distant View
A Panorama out of early, high altitude images from Huygens.
Not as vivid as the low altitude panoramic views, but it tells us a lot about the place Huygens landed.

February 6, 2005
Panorama of the prominent "Shoreline" on Titan

January 28, 2005
Panoramas out of low altitude DISR Side Looking Imager frames and an identification of Landscape Features visible in the Panorama as well as in the Mosaics.

The Making of...
Detailed informations about the individual image processing steps
that were carried out on the frames to make the Mosaics and Panoramas.
DISR Flatfields for download.
Flatfield corrected DISR MRI images for download.

Huygens Raw Images Courtesy:
ESA, NASA, JPL, University of Arizona;
Cassini ISS Images Courtesy:
NASA, JPL, Space Science Institute;
Cassini VIMS Images Courtesy:
NASA, JPL, University of Arizona

Publications covering my Huygens Image Processing work:

Olivier de Goursac: "Titan enfin dévoilé", Le Figaro Magazine, July 23 2005
Frank Schubert: "Die Profis ausstechen", Astronomie heute, Juli / August 2005, Spektrum Verlag   Link (PDF)
Olivier de Goursac: "Titan  Comme si vous y étiez", Valeurs Actuelles, June 10-16 2005, Dossier Spécial Salon du Bourget
Greg Smye-Rumsby: "Amateurs - just amateurs", Astronomy Now, May 2005

Highly recommended Links:

ESA Cassini-Huygens Homepage:

NASA Cassini-Huygens Homepage:

ISS Cameras (Cassini Orbiter Cameras) Imaging Team at the Space Science Institute:

Blog by Jason Perry from the ISS Team, with a lot of topical and detailed informations about the ongoing work (finished):


Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) Team at the University of Arizona:

The Descend Imager and Spectral Radiometer (DISR) Team Homepage with lots of interesting and detailed informations about the instrument:

A page that summarizes many more results from other Enthusiast compositions of the Huygens Images:


...and a special thanks to Sabine, for her patience with me, working on these Huygens images lasting for hours !