Large Surface Coverage Mosaic of Titan

Surface Coverage Mosaic
Mosaic of the surface of Titan,
stitched mainly from DISR Medium Resolution Imager data, and
supplemented by some High Resolution Imager data. The aim was to
assemble a mosaic that shows a surface area of Titan from Huygens Images that is as large as possible. For
this reason I used the earliest usable images from Huygens. These
images have low contrast, because Huygens was still high in the hazy
atmosphere of Titan. In the center the mosaic is partially completed by
higher resolution images acquired later, to show the well known surface
features, as the "Shoreline" for instance, in good quality. The red dot
marks the landing site of Huygens, as calculated by ESA scientists from
the latest DISR data.
The DISR Medium Resolution Imager
frames are Flatfield corrected. More...
The scalebar in the image above is the result of two different attempts
to scale the mosaic. The scalebar should be around 10 km based
on a calibration on Huygens DISR High
Resolution Imager frame 448, that was published to have a scale of
40m / pixel. A scaling on other Huygens frames results in the scalebar
to be around 8 km long.
A calibration on the Cassini ISS images (see below) on the other hand
results in the same
scalebar being 20 km long. This calibration bases on the assumption
that the correlation between the
Huygens Mosaic and the Cassini ISS
Images below is correct.

Huygens Large Surface Coverage Mosaic with
raw image labels
The Large Suface
coverage mosaic with labels which frame was used in what location, so
my positional arrangement and photometric representation may be
checked for correctness. Sorry for the delay, originally I wanted to
publish this somewhat earlier.
Frame 283 MRI Footprint:
For frame 283 the DISR MRI footprint is shown; the cross marks the
position above the ground Huygens was located at the moment this frame
was obtained. By finding this position for all frames, Huygens
horizontal drift path may be reconstructed; nick and roll movements of
the probe will introduce errors in this reconstruction.
Frame 280:
I am not shure about the correctness of its position, maybe it is to be
located slightly further to the right (east).
Frame 247:
The position of this frame is best found with help of frame number 262
(not shown).
for the center many frames with much better resolution can be found; up
to now
I only inserted some of them, especially for the prominent shoreline
and the landing site. Labels are only shown for the outer frames where
the positional correlation is more difficult.