Huge Surface Coverage Mosaic of Titan
May 7, 2005

Surface Coverage Mosaic of Titan
"Large Surface Coverage Mosaic", that is assembled from mainly "Medium
resolution Imager" (MRI) data, combined with "Huygens Distant View",
that was stitched from "Side looking Imager" (SLI) images,
results in a Mosaic with nearly the largest coverage of Titan's surface
should be possible with Huygens Data.
The SLI images are flatfield
corrected (flatfield "flat_SLI_103_500_mi40.tif"). They were
perspectively corrected (but
not stitched!)
with help of the Programs "Panorama Tools" and "PTGui"; stitching was
carried out in Adobe's Photoshop.
The strong brightening to the outer area is due to the smog or fog in
the atmosphere of Titan.
Informations which SLI image was
used in what location can be found in "Huygens Distant View".